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New Merch Partner Releases

Two new merch releases have been announced today - a collection of Neopets-themed cardigans and an adorable Baby Aisha plushie.

Steadyhands has released six Neopian cardigans, currently available only in the United States. They are priced at $55 USD each.

Note: When clicking into these, the sizes include both standard options and a 'Neopets Pre-order' option with delivery in 3 months. It is not entirely clear why both are listed as options, as the website indicates that pre-orders will take several months to ship, while standard ships within a week. At this point, we'd recommend Neopians expect these to take the longer period.

Update: Standard sizes available are in-stock and will ship immediately. As those sizes sell out, they will accept preorders that will ship in approximately three months.

Yootooz is currently accepting preorders for a 9" Baby Aisha Plushie. The plushie is priced at $29.99 USD; preorders are open until February 14th, 12 PM PT. The plushie is set to ship out in June, worldwide.

This item is a true preorder. So long as you order within the time period, you will get one; they are made to order - hence the June shipping date.

Are you excited to order one of these? What other variations do you hope Neopets partners release in the future? Let us know in the comments!

There are 53 comments below. Add yours!

I really hope for a Baby Wocky one day
by frangypanny on January 18, 2025 8:20 AM NST
Aw man, I got reeeeally excited about the Neopets cardigans, but I don't like any of the designs
by cornflakes on January 18, 2025 8:20 AM NST
Aaand only available in the states. Again. Even more merch the rest of the world can't buy, and the site won't even load the page if you're not in the states. Okie dokie! Don't have my money.
by remy on January 18, 2025 8:42 AM NST
My! Another merch drop, and no site updates?! Colour me surprised!
by androponix on January 18, 2025 8:49 AM NST
I just got the Kawaii Oversized Hoodie on the weekend sale item and for a moment I thought this was a rollout for that hoodie. But the bby Aisha plushie is adorable and looks very quality.
by solomagic on January 18, 2025 8:50 AM NST
I love the Illusen cardigan. Unfortunately I am too poor to pay $55 for a probably-crappy sweater.
by lupe691 on January 18, 2025 8:53 AM NST
Is $30 standard for Yootooz plush? Just seems kind of high
by nightshadeswiftswing on January 18, 2025 8:54 AM NST
„This collection is only available in the United States.“

At this point my HATE gets deeper and deeper!
by emrah on January 18, 2025 9:01 AM NST
Ah it is the standard price for Yootooz plush. Sometimes it feels like neo merch is higher than it should be but if that’s the standard then it is what it is.
Wish they’d make plush of some of the cooler edgier colors. Baby and faerie get all the love and darigan gets nothing
by nightshadeswiftswing on January 18, 2025 9:03 AM NST
I'm about to put in a few updated details from our Merch expert, Joe
by suzuka on January 18, 2025 9:07 AM NST JN Staff
And updated!

* Added a bit more detail on the Yootooz plush; shipping worldwide and made to order. You don't have to fight scalpers.
* Got clarification on the preorder sizes listed and shipping plans for the cardigans.

At this time it doesn't sound like any RICs are attached to any items.

Personal thoughts - I hope if the Baby Aisha plushie is successful we do see a few more 'uncommon' plush offered! Some of my favorites from the Limited Too days are the Disco Aisha, Maraquan Chomby, and Pirate Blumaroo!

I'm not a cardigan person myself, but looking at the particular quality and comparative prices, $55 seams reasonable to me. It does look like a nice item with a custom Neopian design, rather than a Shein or Temu fast-fashion quality.
by suzuka on January 18, 2025 9:16 AM NST JN Staff
More International merch, please! we are an important part of the community
by spongegrundo on January 18, 2025 9:32 AM NST
@nightshadeswiftswing - They should parter with "Feisty Pets!"

Make Darigan and MSP toys!
by 1jediboy on January 18, 2025 10:35 AM NST
Baby Buzz....
by dialasong on January 18, 2025 11:12 AM NST
Excited to finally see some Neopets clothing merch that isn't just a tshirt or hoodie since those don't really mesh with my personal style. These are cute!
by brophyvirginia on January 18, 2025 11:20 AM NST
Ok I agree with cornflakes up above now that I took a closer look. I love the idea. I just don't like the designs. I don't know who is choosing stuff or why for merch... but seems like they make some really odd choices sometimes? The baby kougra one with the oranges is actually pretty cute, but I don't wear orange so. I'm considering the Illusen one, that really is what I love, Neopets merch that doesn't overtly look like Neopets merch. I wish they'd make some clothing that had really small patterns that weren't so in your face too.

They Eyrie one is just... who wants a giant morphing potion on their back? So weird. The Shoyru one is kinda cute too... but I'd like it better if it were just the blue cloud pattern, and one small shoyru like on the front left or something. They're just a little too loud for what I'd actually wear... I don't want every person I pass to be like "is that Neopets?" I want it to be subtle or I won't ever actually wear it. But I have to say this is at least heading in the right direction for the type of merch I want from them...
by brophyvirginia on January 18, 2025 11:26 AM NST
Also... do we know if these come with merch codes at all? I hate to say it but as someone who doesn't really strongly want to flaunt that I'm playing Neopets in my 30s, good merch codes do really impact whether I want to buy stuff like this or not.
by brophyvirginia on January 18, 2025 11:28 AM NST
A shame there's no Jhudora cardigan.
by avalerion on January 18, 2025 12:48 PM NST
@brophyvirginia - at this point we don't believe either item has codes associated.

I agree, a series of faerie-pattern cardigans would've been fun but subtle.
by suzuka on January 18, 2025 1:18 PM NST JN Staff
Meanwhile I'm still waiting on ANY info on when the Jumbo plushies will ship..?!
They said early Dec, then they said half Jan.. It's the 18th and still no shipping notification.
by biediep on January 18, 2025 1:48 PM NST
Also getting real tired of the US-only Merch, btw.
by biediep on January 18, 2025 1:50 PM NST
Super kiut!
by gnostichkdum on January 18, 2025 2:00 PM NST
If i hadn't already gotten two very nice non fandom cardigans which i wear the heck out of, i'd probably grab one of these, ngl. as it is my corner of the east coast doesn't get cardigan cold that often and when it does i'm more inclined to grab a regular one than a "LOOK I'M IN MY 40'S AND PLAY NEOPETS" cardigan. i'm already advertising by slapping neopets pins on my purse okay, i'm doing my part to subtley advertise lol. I fully agree though, the colors and patterns being picked are....odd. They'd be right in style if this was say, 15-20 years ago but now? I'm not sure.
by amber_hawk14 on January 18, 2025 3:16 PM NST
I noticed an Easter egg on the 2nd picture, You can see Fashion Fever being shown on an Acer laptop.
by kacheekfan96 on January 18, 2025 4:28 PM NST
Can't even view it since I am not in the USA!
by zenopeltis on January 18, 2025 7:45 PM NST
Okay, those Baby Aisha plushies look adorable and super soft.. but why partner with YouTooz, experts at creating "FOMO" in anyone between the ages of 12 and 40? So mean!
by apophis324 on January 19, 2025 12:10 AM NST
And why is SteadyHands advertising with Fashion Fever? Did the customisation feature take too long to load?
by apophis324 on January 19, 2025 12:12 AM NST
"This collection is only available in the United States."

I don't even know why i bother checking it
by miss_misterio on January 19, 2025 12:39 AM NST
"currently available only in the United States" RIP me I guess.

Hahah I would wear one of those so bad, people judging me for playing in my 30's be damned!!
by myoleks on January 19, 2025 1:07 AM NST
I would buy a cardigan in a heartbeat but the site won't even let me look at it
lowkey started saving up for one as soon as they teased it a few weeks ago so this really stings, ugh *cries in Canadian*
by lukatato on January 19, 2025 5:19 AM NST
Thank you @brophyvirginia for your reply! "I love the idea. I just don't like the designs.... but seems like they make some really odd choices sometimes? The baby kougra one with the oranges is actually pretty cute, but I don't wear orange so." - I couldn't agree more. I'm not trying to shade anyone, or sound like a whiner. I'm genuinely bummed that none of the designs and colors are my taste. And I too coincidentally do not like orange.

I am hoping more Neo-themed clothing comes out. I would be happy and proud to sport my dorky fandom at the Krogers and the other various and sundry "running errand" places that I drag myself out of my home to go to on occasion. I love cardigans, and I would love to have a Neopets cardigan. I won't get my hopes up too high, but I'm hoping they release new cardigan designs in the future.
by cornflakes on January 19, 2025 9:09 AM NST
And also, my heart goes out to the people here who can't even get merch because they live outside the US. I wish I could help.
by cornflakes on January 19, 2025 9:11 AM NST
I'm sorry, but I am so tired of Merch drops with codes constantly attached to them, Especially when those codes contain items to be put into albums, popular collector items for gallerys etc. :/
by pinkgatmon on January 19, 2025 10:49 AM NST
"Another merch drop, and no site updates?!"
omg soooo glad I'm not the only one who has been thinking this way. it's getting VERY very old
by felinegurl on January 19, 2025 10:54 AM NST
Not everyone who plays neo is into the cutesy baby and faerie aesthetic :/
by purrmeister on January 19, 2025 11:18 AM NST
@purrmeister I know right!! I'm so sick of the complete lack of any variety with their merch lately. 🙄 Everything is just babies and faeries over and over again, its so uninspired! They could at least use different Neopets, I love Aishas just as much as the next neoplayer but CMON, there are other species too! :/
by flannelraptors on January 19, 2025 5:11 PM NST
Also agreeing with everyone else about how exhausting the constant "LOOK!! STUFF!! GIVE US MONEY!!" merch updates, yet the sites been stagnant as ever these past several months. :/
by flannelraptors on January 19, 2025 5:12 PM NST
Honestly, I actually really love the baby Aisha cardigan!
by eeveelevelsup on January 19, 2025 9:23 PM NST
Am I the only one who think it's crazy they launch merch you have to wait three months to actually get? They are not willing to take any risks with it.
by juls_spears on January 20, 2025 4:06 AM NST
I know inflation has been high but $30 for a plushie is insane. The key quest plushies were $6 and included a rare item code. I bought a bunch and sent them all over the world but that was before shipping costs skyrocketed.
by premium17 on January 20, 2025 8:03 AM NST
People like different things, y'all, dang I jumped right on the Eyrie one and can't wait to wear it!
by musicallittle1 on January 20, 2025 9:18 AM NST
Cute, but I cannot justify $55 USD for a cardigan at present.
by morganjoisle on January 20, 2025 9:25 AM NST
Crying in European 'cause I need the Aisha and Kougra cardigans soooo badly.
by rorilein on January 20, 2025 12:32 PM NST
30 dollars is standard for a decent quality plush at present, but I really don't agree with using a preorder-only service like YouTooz. FOMO is exhausting. Can we please just buy plushies, in a store, with money.
by affluentia on January 20, 2025 1:55 PM NST
January is almost over and still waiting on ANY news on when the Jumbo plushies will ship.
Very annoyed that they're constantly announcing new merch when they can't even ship the merch they originally promised would be shipped 1,5 months ago. Even if they did ship the Aishas internationally I wouldn't be the least bit tempted to order one until I finally get my previous order.
by biediep on January 20, 2025 3:12 PM NST
Oh wait, the Aishas do ship internationally, it's the cardigans that don't. Either way... come on, TNT.
by biediep on January 20, 2025 3:13 PM NST
I'm afraid to see what the CAD prices would be on any of this stuff, lol.
by sakaarson on January 20, 2025 3:23 PM NST
But yeah, the US-only stuff is a huge pain regardless of price. It's like how Hot Topic has a ton of graphic t-shirts for sale, but none of them can be shipped to Canada. For a reason I can't remember, probably something to do with licensing/production agreements.
by sakaarson on January 20, 2025 3:25 PM NST
Lol. I just went to the website for the cardigans and it showed the products at first, then I got a popup asking for my country. I accidentally refreshed the page. Now it's just showing a permanent "This collection is only available in the United States" message and nothing else.

So... It auto-detected my country, and because I'm in Canada, it won't even display the products for me? Boo.
by sakaarson on January 20, 2025 8:49 PM NST
At this point I'd prefer to get my money back for the Anniversary Plush I wasted my money on because they were suppose to be ready in Dec and get this stuff.
by geminidawn on January 20, 2025 10:06 PM NST
...who designs some of this stuff, anyway? The cardigans are a Choice for sure. Illusen-themed one is pretty nice, but the others... not a fan. Also yay, more baby merch. :T Not to mention $30 for a plushie seems like a LOT. I thought $15 for the limited too ones was bad (gimme the $6 keyquest plush, those were cute AND came with a code).

I hate to be negative, but it feels like more of a cash grab than anything, given the state of the site itself. :'(
by goldennightfox on January 20, 2025 10:31 PM NST
As someone who already has the Limited Too baby Aisha plush, I'm fine not paying a high price for another from a company I've never heard of. Plus you can still find the KQ ones in online shops for cheap, even with a code. I say this as I found a RG Scorchio plushie and asked for it for Xmas. I may seek out more plushies, whether or not the code works. I wanted the plush more than the code anyway. xD

I agree with what was said by another user: I'm tired of baby/faerie/cute merch. I want some Darigans, Robots, Wraiths, mutants...They deserve love as well, and I don't think I've seen a SINGLE Darigan plushie, while at least robot had some KQ ones. I'd actually pay for a mutant Kau plush, I won't lie. Or a Darigan Buzz.

I've not even seen any other Neo villain merch yet. I know my man, The Darkest Knight, is a huge obscurity, but at least bring in more Kass merch or something?? Or heroes who aren't just faeries?
by dusk on January 21, 2025 7:55 PM NST

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